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Varbūt ir pienācis laiks mainīt pasauli.

Pievienojieties Nutrameg komandai un ļaujiet strādāt, lai cilvēki dzīvotu veselīgāk un ilgāk. Ļauj izveidot visefektīvāko veiksmīgo tehnoloģiju pasaulē. 

Performance Ads Graphic Designer

Are you a brilliant graphic designer with a stronger hand in digital ads? You love pushing the boundaries on what digital ad design can be, challenging yourself to visually prepare the next beast that will take the market by storm? Connecting millions of people around the world to our healthcare apps – does that sound challenging enough for you? Yes, we are Nutrameg and that's what we do every day. Except for when we party at mediterranean islands or elsewhere. Apply now and here you will always be at the top digital visual space and behavioral psychology.

We create exceptionally high performing ads for Meta and other similar channels. We inspire people to deal with health challenges like overweight, underweight, diabetes. We team up with medical and technology experts to deliver healthcare solutions that serve the needs of millions. Our dream is to help 1 billion people in our lifetime.

Ko tu darīsi

  • Make smart decisions on how to best create & fine tune remixes of already best performing digital ads

  • Create data-driven creative visual concepts for digital advertising campaigns, that are focused on conversions & conquering worldwide markets (yes, even Nigeria and Slovakia)

  • Do market research about which visual creative concepts are currently performing well in our industry

  • Most probably you won't win advertising contests, but instead will be saving lives (humble, right?) by helping our marketers with digital visuals to reach the people who need it most

  • Closely work with Art Director and marketing team, including brainstorming sessions

Pretendenta prasības

  • 3+ years of experience as a Graphic Designer, that has experience with well performing digital ads

  • Experience with and knowledge of Adobe suite, but experience with Canva will be considered a bonus

  • Flexibility to switch between different graphic design software to reach your own desired visual result

  • You must be able to work & make decisions independently, have transparent and open communication

  • Will be considered as a Bonus: It would be cool if you can also do some motion designs as well


Depending on your experience and qualifications around 1200 EUR – 2800 EUR GROSS

Ieguvumi, strādājot uzņēmumā Nutrameg

The team are the owners – employee stock options

Paid ferry and airplane tickets on vacations

Private health insurance and social insurance

Paid phone bill for work and personal use

A loan from us for your new car (or house?)

Team events all over Europe

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